Happy 2013: Make it count

Happy New Year! Here it is January 2013, a time of year most people begin to assess the productivity and success of the past twelve months.  We begin to ask ourselves the serious questions that we avoided all year long.  Don’t we find a way to believe that we are just “too busy to think…

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The Power of the Handwritten Note

In the midst of holiday insanity, don’t forget to use this time to thank the people around you for their friendship, support and for being loyal clients. I am a strong believer in regularly sending cards and letters.  I believe the way to someone s heart is through the mail, “snail” mail.  The handwritten note…

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If You Read, You Succeed!

If you read, you succeed!  I have always believed this. I find that summertime is a great time to read and to reread old favorites.  This summer has proven to be a great one for books that matter to me and my profession.  I also took the time to reread a few old faves and…

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In July during Beauty Week there is also BEACON.  BEACON is a PBA event that features some of the most promising cosmetology students.  The opportunity to attend BEACON is either earned by some through scholarship or paid by others. This year was the largest Beacon group ever, and the best to date. I have had…

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Five Keys to Effective Communication

In every one of my seminars, classes, and in-salon programs, I try to add some type of communication portion. Communication is one of the most important keys to a successful life. To fully possess the ability to connect and have a great, fulfilling conversation with others is paramount. To be able to share your thoughts…

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Growing Your Business (Two Keys to Success)

There are two very important keys to growing your salon or any business for that matter. First, and the most important is to remember to keep the clients you already have now by treating them like new clients every time they visit your business. Be on time, look your very best. Use professional dialogue. Do…

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